Pandemic 2 is still very much alive. VERY close to completion now :P. Here is a list of all the possible attributes in game that you can give your disease. Tons of people have been submitting some really great disease ideas on my forums and so I've added the top 6 submissions into the game.
Sneezing, Coughing, Fever, Sweating, fatigue, vomiting, heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, boils, necrosis, hemorrhaging, diarrhea, sores, nausea, hypersensitivity, insanity, pulmonary edema (fluids in lungs) and Cysts.
The top 6 being [attribute] - [name of submitter] :
Ataxia (loss of motor skills) - Tinman, WeedWacker
Encephalitis (brain inflammation) - Tinman
Dementia - hides-his-hands, Satori
Blindness - Extremofire
Hypotonia (loss of muscle mass) - Tinman
Depression - Nasa1733
I wanted to post some pictures of the game, but I need to get a few things worked out before its photo worthy :D
CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!